Submitter Stats: Moniker321 All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 18
Games Submitted To 4
Largest Console (by Games) SNES (3 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) SNES (17 sheets)
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Phantom 2040
Phantom 2040

(2 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Victims (Extra) 20,512 hits
2 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Credit Level NPCs & Map Placement 15,759 hits
3 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Dr. Tongue (Form 2, Floating Head) 14,410 hits
4 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Exit Door 13,177 hits
5 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Football Player (Hazard) 12,773 hits
6 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Frankenstein 12,505 hits
7 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Vlad Belmont the Vampire 12,148 hits
8 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Stanley Decker (Axe) 11,549 hits
9 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Flying Saucer 10,963 hits
10 Zombies Ate My Neighbors Boogeyman (Trap) 10,828 hits
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