Submitter Stats: Silversea All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 100
Games Submitted To 9
Largest Console (by Games) Sega Genesis / 32X (4 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) Sega Genesis / 32X (52 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Kolibri (32X)
Kolibri (32X)

(23 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Rock N' Roll Racing Vehicles (Ground) 16,109 hits
2 Doubutsu no Mori / Animal Forest (JPN) Fish 13,830 hits
3 Doubutsu no Mori e+ / Animal Forest e+ (JPN) Fish 13,594 hits
4 Ecco Jr. General Sprites 10,978 hits
5 Beetle King Backgrounds and Landscapes 9,950 hits
6 Doubutsu no Mori e+ / Animal Forest e+ (JPN) Bugs 9,544 hits
7 Doubutsu no Mori / Animal Forest (JPN) Bugs 9,066 hits
8 Ecco the Dolphin SEGA logo 8,964 hits
9 Rock N' Roll Racing Portraits 8,661 hits
10 Ecco the Dolphin Cold Water Surface 8,248 hits
Custom / Edited Sheets
DS / DSi Sheets
Game Boy Advance Sheets
GameCube Sheets
Nintendo 64 Sheets
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets
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