Submitter Stats: Skull_cobra All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 22
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (2 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) DS / DSi (18 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
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Most Popular Sheets
1 Mega Man Maker Enemies (Mega Man 08) 7,275 hits
2 Mega Man Maker Enemies (Mega Man 07) 6,711 hits
3 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Kai (Tier II) 1,117 hits
4 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Cole (Tier II, story) 1,062 hits
5 Skeleton Boomerang Coast Tiles (Normal) 917 hits
6 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Jay (Tier II) 859 hits
7 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Zane (Tier II) 728 hits
8 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Garmadon (Base) 543 hits
9 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Skulkin Builder 512 hits
10 LEGO Battles - Ninjago Samukai (Tier I) 500 hits
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