Submitter Stats: SleepyHarry All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 49
Games Submitted To 10
Largest Console (by Games) Browser Games (3 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) PC / Computer (32 sheets)
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(6 sheets)
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1 Windows XP Card Games Cards (Windows XP) 17,393 hits
2 Insaniquarium Deluxe Pets 17,360 hits
3 Insaniquarium Deluxe Money, Food and Shells 12,793 hits
4 Heli Attack 2 Backgrounds 11,898 hits
5 Save the Sheriff Miscellaneous 11,366 hits
6 Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak Introduction 10,942 hits
7 Insaniquarium Deluxe Bonus Pets 10,458 hits
8 Insaniquarium Deluxe Large Guppy 9,959 hits
9 Insaniquarium Deluxe King Guppy 9,055 hits
10 Insaniquarium Deluxe Sports Balls 8,808 hits
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