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Sheets Submitted 295
Games Submitted To 25
Largest Console (by Games) PlayStation (14 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) PlayStation (100 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
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1 Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred Cards Marik Ishtar 7,078 hits
2 Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred Cards Joey Wheeler 6,367 hits
3 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Level Select Map 5,111 hits
4 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Stage Intro Icons 5,027 hits
5 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Extras Page 1 3,970 hits
6 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Technique Points UI 3,715 hits
7 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Stage Cleared UI 3,417 hits
8 Silent Hill Still Images 3,384 hits
9 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Character Selection Icons 3,159 hits
10 R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 Shinji Yazaki 3,056 hits
Game Boy Advance Sheets
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PlayStation 2 Sheets
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