[x]Merry Christmas!
Submitter Stats: TheChosenOne59 All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 17
Games Submitted To 9
Largest Console (by Games) Sega Genesis / 32X (5 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) Sega Genesis / 32X (9 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
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(4 sheets)
Crazy Bus
Crazy Bus

(2 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Mario 4: Space Odyssey (Bootleg) Backgrounds 4,981 hits
2 Mario 3: Around the World (Bootleg) Objects & Enemies 3,503 hits
3 Mario 3: Around the World (Bootleg) Backgrounds 2,836 hits
4 Mario 3: Around the World (Bootleg) Font 2,759 hits
5 Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse Font 2,740 hits
6 Final Fantasy 4 (Bootleg) Text Box 2,722 hits
7 Pocket Monster (Bootleg) Background 1 2,613 hits
8 Mario 4: Space Odyssey (Bootleg) Font 2,093 hits
9 Tetris Customs Tetriminos 1,822 hits
10 Dance Dance Revolution X2 HUD Elements 1,196 hits
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