Submitter Stats: TheUltraUnfunnyMan | |
Sheets Submitted | 12 |
Games Submitted To | 4 |
Largest Console (by Games) | Custom / Edited (4 games) |
Largest Console (by Sheets) | Custom / Edited (12 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contributions |
Mario & Luigi Customs
(5 sheets)
Mario Customs
(3 sheets)
Sonic the Hedgehog Customs
(2 sheets) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Sonic the Hedgehog Customs | Fun is Infinite/Majin (NES-Style) | 4,743 hits |
2 | Mario Customs | Classic Power-Ups (Super Mario Bros. 3 NES-Style) | 3,687 hits |
3 | Mario Customs | Post Special World Enemies (SMB3 NES-Style) | 3,284 hits |
4 | Plants VS. Zombies Customs | Ice Cabbage-Pult (PvZ DS-Style) | 2,824 hits |
5 | Mario Customs | Bonus Room Tileset (Super Mario Bros. 1-Style) | 2,773 hits |
6 | Mario & Luigi Customs | Bubble Blooper & Dried Blooper (SMB. 1-Style) | 2,042 hits |
7 | Sonic the Hedgehog Customs | Palmtree Panic Badniks (NES-Style) | 1,791 hits |
8 | Plants VS. Zombies Customs | Imitater (Pokemon Gen I-Style) | 1,734 hits |
9 | Mario & Luigi Customs | Lakitufo & Spiny Shroopa (SMB NES-Style) | 1,507 hits |
10 | Mario & Luigi Customs | Tanoomba (NES-Style) | 1,412 hits |
Custom / Edited Sheets
Boo & Dark Boo (SMB1-Style)
Bubble Blooper & Dried Blooper (SMB. 1-Style)
Lakitufo & Spiny Shroopa (SMB NES-Style)
Tanoomba (NES-Style)
Toothy (SMB1-Style)
Bonus Room Tileset (Super Mario Bros. 1-Style)
Classic Power-Ups (Super Mario Bros. 3 NES-Style)
Post Special World Enemies (SMB3 NES-Style)
Ice Cabbage-Pult (PvZ DS-Style)
Imitater (Pokemon Gen I-Style)
Fun is Infinite/Majin (NES-Style)
Palmtree Panic Badniks (NES-Style)