Submitter Stats: Vanzuro Izuno Xin All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 61
Games Submitted To 6
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Largest Genre (by Sheets) Platformer (25 sheets)
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Little Samson
Little Samson

(24 sheets)

(16 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Ending Cutscenes 7,213 hits
2 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Title Screen 6,577 hits
3 Mega Man 5 Tilesets 5,647 hits
4 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Nick & Tom 4,363 hits
5 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Enemies 4,226 hits
6 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Bosses 3,304 hits
7 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Cutscenes 2,725 hits
8 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Items 2,615 hits
9 Snow Brothers / Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Floors 1-10 2,583 hits
10 Gun-Nac Bosses 2,182 hits
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