Submitter Stats: YoManRuLz All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 16
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) Game Boy Advance (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) Sega Genesis / 32X (8 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Kid Chameleon
Kid Chameleon

(8 sheets)

(1 sheet)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Kid Chameleon Kid 13,213 hits
2 Hydra Castle Labyrinth / Meikyuujou Hydra Tilesets 11,086 hits
3 Kid Chameleon Intro Sprites 9,912 hits
4 Kid Chameleon Intro Backgrounds 8,988 hits
5 Kid Chameleon Berserker 8,403 hits
6 Hydra Castle Labyrinth / Meikyuujou Hydra Bosses 7,363 hits
7 Kid Chameleon Iron Knight 7,302 hits
8 Kid Chameleon Red Stealth 7,158 hits
9 Hydra Castle Labyrinth / Meikyuujou Hydra Hero 7,004 hits
10 Kid Chameleon Heady Metal 6,627 hits
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