Submitter Stats: ballad All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 27
Games Submitted To 14
Largest Genre (by Games) Customs (10 games)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Customs (19 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Mario Customs
Mario Customs

(3 sheets)
Kirby Customs
Kirby Customs

(3 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Sonic the Hedgehog Customs Egg Robo 17,835 hits
2 Metal Gear NPCs 15,992 hits
3 Mario Customs Hammer Bros. (Yoshi's Island-Style) 15,203 hits
4 Kirby Customs Paint Kirby (Kirby Advance-Style) 15,003 hits
5 Balloon Fight Customs Balloon Fighter 14,222 hits
6 Sonic the Hedgehog Customs Tunnelbot 12,111 hits
7 Mario Customs Cheep-Cheep (Super Mario Kart-Style) 11,903 hits
8 Sid Meier's Civilization II: Test of Time Units 11,266 hits
9 The Legend of Zelda Customs North Temple 11,070 hits
10 Kirby Customs Enemies 9,825 hits
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