Submitter Stats: fajnygosciu1234 (bacon hair) All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 10
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) Mobile (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) Mobile (8 sheets)
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Boom Karts
Boom Karts

(8 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Boom Karts Splash Screen (0.47) 1,139 hits
2 Boom Karts Splash Screen (Pre-0.45) 1,065 hits
3 Boom Karts Kart Icons 948 hits
4 Boom Karts Splash Screen (Before Fingersoft) 877 hits
5 Boom Karts Splash Screen (Christmas) 679 hits
6 Boom Karts Splash Screen (Halloween) 638 hits
7 Boom Karts Splash Screen 586 hits
8 Boom Karts Perk Icons 295 hits
9 Moorhuhn Kart 3 Track Minimaps 283 hits
10 Moorhuhn Kart 3 Win Screens and Credits 231 hits
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