Submitter Stats: menos_grante All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 33
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) DS / DSi (33 sheets)
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1 The World Ends With You Neku Sakuraba 33,300 hits
2 The World Ends With You Yoshiya Kiryu (Joshua) 17,892 hits
3 The World Ends With You Daisukenojo Biito (Beat) 16,278 hits
4 The World Ends With You Sho Minamimoto 15,174 hits
5 The World Ends With You Swing Shark 9,470 hits
6 The World Ends With You Koki Kariya 8,721 hits
7 The World Ends With You Psyche Fox 8,665 hits
8 The World Ends With You Base Shinigami 8,254 hits
9 The World Ends With You Yashiro Uzuki 7,735 hits
10 The World Ends With You Megumi Kitaniji 7,709 hits
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