Submitter Stats: turg All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 30
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Genre (by Games) Simulation (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Visual Novel (29 sheets)
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1 Needy Streamer Overload Ame 8,250 hits
2 Snowbound Blood Aumtzi Maught 4,167 hits
3 Snowbound Blood Seinru Narako 3,914 hits
4 Snowbound Blood Secily Iopara 3,300 hits
5 Snowbound Blood Hamifi Hekrix 2,864 hits
6 Snowbound Blood Yeshin Laevis 2,720 hits
7 Snowbound Blood Sestro Enthal 2,557 hits
8 Snowbound Blood Necron Exmort 2,552 hits
9 Snowbound Blood Valtel Gurtea 2,552 hits
10 Snowbound Blood Pozzol Broyer 2,429 hits
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