Submitter Stats: zt-freak All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 38
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Genre (by Games) Visual Novel (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Visual Novel (37 sheets)
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(2 NSFW sheets not included)
1 Highway Blossoms CG Gallery Images 4,499 hits
2 Highway Blossoms CG Gallery Icons 3,924 hits
3 Google Doodles Map Tileset 3,431 hits
4 Highway Blossoms Drunk Mariah 2,616 hits
5 Highway Blossoms Senri 2,550 hits
6 Highway Blossoms Space Dongle Vegas 2,083 hits
7 Highway Blossoms Interface 1,991 hits
8 Highway Blossoms Photos 1,922 hits
9 Highway Blossoms Playing Cards 1,847 hits
10 Highway Blossoms Ruins 1,745 hits
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