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Vacation, all I ever wanted

Posted by Ton - October 8, 2013 - 2:31 AM

I hope you're all really to have some more wonderful pixels for your eyeballs to graze upon. If you haven't checked out the Twitter feeds for the sites, you should give it a shot. It's pretty neat.
In the mean time, however, I'll be heading to New York Comic Con in just a couple days. Is anyone out there planning to go? I'll be sure to get some neat pictures to share with everyone on the forums! I'll see you all soon!
Sheets in this update: 127 (Show Sheets)
Arcade Sheets: 2
Browser Games Sheets: 1
Custom / Edited Sheets: 1
DS / DSi Sheets: 4
Strato Patrol EOS HUD (English)

Strato Patrol EOS HUD (French)

Strato Patrol EOS HUD (Spanish)

Title Screen

Game Boy / GBC Sheets: 4
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 3
PC / Computer Sheets: 4
PlayStation Sheets: 24
The Black Pierrot

The Chariot

Daughter Strength


The Devil

The Emperor

The Empress

Father Strength

The Fool

The Hanged Man

The Hermit

The Hierophant

The High Priestess



The Lovers

The Magician

The Moon

The Star

The Sun


The Tower

The Wheel of Fortune

The World

PlayStation 3 Sheets: 81
2-Handed Sword Icons

2-Handed Swords

Axe Icons


Bow Icons


Bust Ups

Character Select

Gun Icons


Horizontal Cut-Ins


Spear Icons



Sword Icons


Vertical Cut-Ins

CG Images

Character Portraits

Cutscene BGs

CG Images

Character Portraits

Chirper Icons

Cutscene Backgrounds

Cutscene Portraits

CG Images

Character Portraits

Chirper Icons

Cutscene BGs

Dialogue Mugshots

Item Icons

Ace Bodyshots

Ace Mugshots

Al-Tesutesu Bodyshots

Al-Tesutesu Mugshots

Altis Mugshots

Alys Levantine Mugshots

Bathing Minigame - Character Select

Bathing Minigame - Interface

Battle Mugshots

Belleria Mugshots

Bertram Demitoriasu Bloomfield Mugshots

Character Profile Images

Chou-Chou Bodyshots

Chou-Chou Mugshots

Class Images

Cut-Ins (Big)

Cut-Ins (Small)

Dees Vanguard Mugshots

Elka Bodyshots

Elka Mugshots


Kakeru Bodyshots

Kakeru Mugshots

Leu Mugshots

Marina Cannonvale Mugshots

Miscellaneous Bodyshots

Miscellaneous Mugshots

Nao Mugshots

Onluca Bodyshots

Onluca Mugshots

Ryuto Bodyshots

Ryuto Mugshots

Sandy Sunshine Mugshots


Sharuru Cocott Mugshots

Shirma Bodyshots

Shirma Mugshots

Shirogane Bodyshots

Shirogane Mugshots

Soul Skyheart Mugshots

Supura Bodyshots

Supura Mugshots

Talk Backgrounds

Tioni Bodyshots

Tioni Mugshots

Tsukika Izayoi Mugshots

Vorgis Bodyshots

Vorgis Mugshots

Welsh Cocott Mugshots

SNES Sheets: 3
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