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75,000 Little Sprite Sheets, Jumping In The Bed

Since I started running The Spriters Resource some 10+ years ago, I never imagined that the site would grow this huge. It makes me feel so honoured to know that we have all achieved something great for the gaming community as a whole. We are a niche that many don't suspect to be popular, but it truly is. And it's growing daily.
This update has some great content - updates, new sheets, Nintendo, Atari, Indie, you name it. It's so cool to see such an eclectic mix of tastes in a single place!! YEAH!!
I've been streaming a lot more lately, as I'm sure some of you have noticed too. I hope you're enjoying the streams! I'll be working out a schedule soon so that it isn't so random as to when it'll happen. And I'll be sure to mix it up a bit in the future. Woo!
Take it easy folks, hope you're all having a wonderful day and keeping it chill. B)
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