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First textures and now sprites?!
Comments (4)
Posted by Petie - August 13, 2016 - 10:23 AM
Hello everyone! It's been a couple of weeks since I've last updated but what a day it is to return! For the first time in as long as I can remember, the entire queue on tSR is completely clear! Our staff has been hard at work and really deserves some tremendous praise for their efforts. In no particular order, Mighty Jetters, Random Talking Bush, Ton, and even Shade (who somehow found time to help out over here despite his continued efforts on tTR and tSoR) have done an amazing job keeping content flowing on the site so seriously, thank you all!

And of course, we can't ignore the actual content either. As always, we have a great mix of new sheets for you to enjoy. This week brings you some Sonic CD, some more Cherry Tree High, The Last Express, and Super Mario Kart among many others so check it out, enjoy, and have a great weekend!
Sheets in this update: 253 (Show Sheets)

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Aug 18, 2016, 5:48 PM
All we need now is the completion of the Model Icon Renovation.
Aug 18, 2016, 11:03 AM
@Neweegee I'm always curious about how much work it must be. My work almost always get approved since I include icons and don't have errors in my sheet (generally) but we'll never know just how many sheets actually get declined. It must be crazy having to sort through all of that stuff.
Aug 18, 2016, 9:22 AM
And I thought that every week when there's like 200+ sheets on the update THAT was the queue being cleared! It really sounds like a lot more work than I was already thinking it was.
It's really good that y'all somehow manage to keep up with it all.
Aug 14, 2016, 7:57 AM
A good friend of mine and I were able to cracked open Sonic CD 2011 and we're getting EVEYTHING! All the sprites. Again Thank you for accepting it
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