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Next Jingle Sheets!
Previous December is in full swing!
A Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Comments (1)
Posted by Ton - December 16, 2017 - 10:17 AM
Hi, everyone!

It's a new week, and that means new sprites! We have all kinds of ships from 1943 on Arcade (Star Wars has ships, too), some Last Armageddon monsters (they look like Star Wars aliens), Metal Slug (like the weapons in Star Wars), some Final Fantasy (Star Wars is Sci-fi/Fantasy), and all kinds of other stuff.

Well, the update is done. Maybe I'll go out now and do some kind of activity. Not sure what. Maybe a movie is playing that I want to see. Eh, who knows?

OH! I also ripped some Super Star Wars sprites. Bye!
Sheets in this update: 235 (Show Sheets)

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Dec 16, 2017, 1:18 PM
Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved in the update. The Spriters Resource and Sprite Database has been a source of great happiness to me this year. I've been very happy to see new sprites getting accepted, and even had my own sprite rips accepted this year. You guys rock, and let it rip (sorry I think that Beyblade line makes sense in context).
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