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An Independant Update
Comments (10)
Posted by Garamonde - July 4, 2020 - 12:47 PM
Howdy-do to you! I'm here to bring you another holiday-themed update (if you celebrate it)! This update is simply booming with content! Let's get crack(l)ing!

So lots more customs again to spark(ler) our imagination; JardsonJean is on fire with the Pokémon Sword/Shield recreations among many others, danikk04's passion for Gundam cannot be extinguished, some old Pokémon games get re-ignited with re-rips by FrenchOrange, blueberrymuffin keeps up with the colorful Mario Party rips, we've got BlazBlue coming in in a blaze of glory, and Hollow Knight, Chocolatier, and Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni pop up here as well!

So what'd y'all think? Aren't I punny, guys? Guys...?

(See you next time and have a safe 4th whether or not you celebrate it as well as rest of the week!)
Sheets in this update: 438 (Show Sheets)

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Jul 11, 2020, 5:31 PM
I soda can't be leaf with these puns! Gnome mind me, I am flossing fur this pawsome moccapasion!
Jul 6, 2020, 10:40 AM
I know I did, that's the point. :p

Geez, tough crowd!

Really though, with these updates it gets to a point where we all have acquired the skill of just winging it; everything's been said and done by this point, so the updates are bound to get corny now and then. :B
Jul 5, 2020, 7:20 PM
you tried way too hard with those puns that i wanted to be completely silent

see the problem with that is you wouldn't even be able to tell that because i wouldn't have commented :P
Jul 5, 2020, 6:06 PM
I'll be throwing popcorn at you.
Jul 4, 2020, 11:34 PM
Have a good 4th of July everyone! Kinda shocked that my submitted game Chocolatier is up there :O
Jul 4, 2020, 8:07 PM
@SharkGuy: Never!
Jul 4, 2020, 5:53 PM
Hope ya'll have a good 4th of July :)
Jul 4, 2020, 5:08 PM
A Jovial Independents Date from Western Europe.
Jul 4, 2020, 5:04 PM
Boo, get off the stage
Jul 4, 2020, 3:58 PM
Why does the time keep changing on this update...?
(great job on approving these, keep it up)
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