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Dazz Returns: Who Saw That Coming?
Comments (12)
Posted by Dazz - September 17, 2022 - 2:19 PM
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I popped in to drop an update, figured I'd roll on back into town and wax poetical for a moment. It's a big update this week, with over 500 submissions getting through!

We've had some great contributions from Yawackhary, CaptainGame17, MtFujiInMyPants, HylianFox, Cavery210 - plus of course many more of you, with your own little projects kicking off all over. I even managed to squeeze a bit of time in to upload a few bits myself. There's been some real classics and not-so-classics given a good bolstering this week, I hope you'll enjoy having a peruse :)

And we see a familiar face with submissions coming in from Ragey! Hope you're doing great old friend!

There was once a time when I would update this website with the latest submissions on a daily basis. I would spend almost every hour of my free time dedicated to making sure this place was pushing forwards, and that there was plenty of resources for all to learn from. It's sometimes hard to think about how times have changed, what with responsibilities flying all over now... But some of my greatest memories come from my experiences being a part of this website. It may seem cheesy to some, but to me, it's everything I know. I've met a great share of you in the most unexpected of places. I've met many users of the site who will never read this.

I find it almost hard to believe sometimes the places where this website has cropped up away from the screen - I've mentioned it within certain crowds, with people not knowing my involvement, and it has served them at some point in their lives. It is a strange feeling, and one that I'm not sure I will ever get used to. It used to feel lonely as a younger person, thinking that nobody I would ever meet would share the same passion I had for what this site does, and yet it is in fact this site that has allowed me to meet them... I now find myself with a great deal more friends, and a lot more love, in my life, thanks to everyone who has made even the smallest of contributions to keeping this place alive and well.
Thank you, I love you all, and I hope that you're all doing your best.
Sheets in this update: 493 (Show Sheets)

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Sep 22, 2022, 9:03 AM
This has been a wonderful comment section to read :)

Also, @Yawackhary, just FYI - we host RetroGameZone (and have for a while now) so as long as Goemar doesn't let the domain lapse, it's not going anywhere. It's kept as an archive so there won't be further updates but what's there is there to stay.
Sep 22, 2022, 6:09 AM
We love you, Yawa! (And everyone else!)
Sep 21, 2022, 8:09 PM
Nice to see an update from you Dazz, really thankful that not only that you're still here but also for everything. Hope that you're okay. Oh.. I remember the days when you use to use lyrics in your updates.

Yeah, this site has come a LOOOONG way. So many milestones from starting with more or less just Nintendo stuff to having it by series/big game company to how it is now. When tSR was having more than just one staff member doing the updates and the "new" site away from Pixeltendo was the game changer that it needed. Getting anything from 200 to nearly a 1000 rips a week is incredible, some weeks you get pleasant surprises that can make you smile. On a personal note, think if the site hadn't expanded outside of the popular consoles we would have missed out on many submitters and so many rips. Would have retired much sooner if it wasn't for that and for all rippers out there, better tools to make ripping easier. To think when we started, capturing was the main source of rips using the likes of ZSNES, Gens, VBA and whatever NES emulator people used. Ripping Gamecube stuff back then was like a pipe dream...

Especially now being here so long that feel (literally do feel) like an old man. Being here such a long time that there's not many left from the olden days and saw so many people come and go. Despite that there are still people coming here, some new regulars.

Really am touched for the shoutouts not just this update but for any update that get mentioned, it keeps me going just a little bit longer even some of the time don't deserve them as there are far better rippers, far more content in their rips (fighting game rips/anything with lots of sprites or the super detailed rips always impress me) and know the stuff that I rip just isn't popular yet doing the rips not out of popularity. Sprite ripping is one of the few things that can do half decently and felt like it needed to be shown regardless of system/quality of the game. It's a bit strange ripping wondering how long you have left... When it's getting harder to look at pixels clearly, when you have to really zoom in to rip, hard to focus even with glasses...

Funny how wax poetical is mentioned because I just had a thought of TSGK. How at one point was one of the biggest ripping sites is now forgotten, along with most of the Captain N fanbase. Goemar's RetroGameZone is still there but no more updates and how long until Goemar has had enough of hosting. Sprite Database is still around and glad that it has because as much as there's convenience having everything in one place, also like the idea of alternatives. So for tSR to be still around especially now is grateful and I hope that it'll last as long as it can.

(It took nearly a week for me to think of the words so sorry if it's messy).
Sep 21, 2022, 3:57 PM
@Dunkelschwamm Well said.
Sep 20, 2022, 11:41 PM
Back in the day spent time on FlashStand and The Peoples Sprites before moving on to Bob and George and Sprite Database. Lots of websites here and there inbetween. I remember back when sheets on here were only sorted by game publishers. What a wild and crazy transition it has been.

I spent a lot of time in my youth making Wolfenstein 3D mods, then later RPG Maker 2000 games, then Game Maker games. Now I'm a professional gamedev. When I joined as Dunkelschwamm, it was my goal to repay this site for the vast amounts of help this site, and the sprite ripping community in general, had been in my gamedev journey. As of writing, I have 1,932 sheets am the top 15th ripper. Not bad, and considering I've been as high as 12th it's just a testament to how the site continues to grow and continue to impress.

Thanks for the nostalgia, Dazz.
Sep 20, 2022, 9:42 PM
I remember a time when there was very little on this network, back when Bob and George was the biggest comic online. When I was first inspired to take that first step into writing, inspired by many on sites like Keenspace and Hazard Labs, MFZ, and many parts of the community that I am lucky to have caught long before they disappeared into the net. Then I found Shyguy Kingdom, and TSR and I found my love for pixel art and creation of the new lay before me.

After decades I have found my calling, inspired by so many and a true test of my skills. I could never have done this without TSR, Lemmy's Land, Shyguy Kingdom and Smack Jeeves. Though I am heading into the world of making toys I will also be writing a fantasy comic to go alongside it, rest assured I am never giving up on improving my art on the Pixel stage (My concept art for my characters will be pixel art based and references for the comic artist will be made in a 3/4 view style inspired by Mother 3) I am journeying into a new realm.

One That will be built with help from patrons and friends alike, but most of all I will have to say thank you! All of those here, there and everywhere for giving me that push may the VGR never cease and I hope my dreams for Dash Terrier Creations becomes part of the love of creation that was born from the humble pixel!
Sep 20, 2022, 3:19 AM
2022's Anniversary Coming.

Cuphead 5th Anniversary 2022,09,29

Cartoon Network 30th Anniversary 2022,10,01

Megaman 35th Anniversary 2022,12,17
Megaman X 29th Anniversary 2022,12,17
Sep 18, 2022, 3:27 PM
Guess who's back?
Back again?

Dazz is back!
Tell a friend!
Sep 18, 2022, 10:53 AM
And the eternal quest to rip every Chun-Li from every version of every game she's been in continues.
Sep 18, 2022, 7:47 AM
Awwww we love ya too Dazz!!! Very happy to see ya still kickin' around here! I can't even begin to explain what this place has done for me too. Changed my life forever to say the very least. Always will be happy to be a part of it!
Sep 18, 2022, 6:14 AM
What sweet words thank you glad to be part of the resource :3
Sep 18, 2022, 1:29 AM
It's amazing remembering a time before you ran this place, Dazz. Back when the icons were smaller, and when Mario and Luigi sprite comics were all the rage. When you came on and had that soda-themed April Fools' joke - and before we had the other Resources! It's amazing to think that this site has truly evolved into this beautiful place, full of inspiration and curiousities.

And still helping out with sprite comics where they linger.
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