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Halfway Through The Spooky Month!
Comments (5)
Posted by MisterMike - October 15, 2022 - 7:10 AM
Hey everyone, how're you doing? It's exactly about halfway through the spookiest month of the year, so hopefully you've got your costumes ready and your house all dressed up, ready for all those kids who'll come to your door asking for hand-outs like a bunch of college kids. And since it's a Saturday, it's also time for another great update from yours truly, so let's get right into that!

This week's biggest haul comes to us from, of all things, a Purelle Magic Muhdookie Magical mobile game, courtesy of Models124717. With so many different images made for games like these, it's always incredible when people can stand to go through and rip or even rerip it all. Speaking of mobile games Biggest_Chungus is once again continuing with more Osomatsu rips.

Rabbid4240 provides some more nice Mega Man rips, this time in the form of much-needed rerips for Mega Man 9, and Kuro-chan gives us rips for The Adventures of Captain Comic.

Appropriate for this month of frights, Test brings us some tileset rips for the first two Castlevania games, while Rusyn bestows upon us some map rips for the cult classic game Yume Nikki.

Customs this week is mostly Mario fare done by RatherNoiceSprites, which all looks very nice. Other standouts this week include miniluv73's Sage sprites, Clougo's cute little Yoshi's Island-styled Gallomba sheet, and Spriter Theo's Zelda 2-styled sprites of Akari from The Last Blade.

As per usual, and much like Halloween itself, there's plenty more good stuff to get a taste of in this update, so go knock on those doors and ask them for that sweet, sweet visual candy. A huge thanks to everyone who's submitted this week, and I'll likely see you all sometime early November for another update. Have a good day/night, enjoy the haunting festivities, and be sure to keep warm during these progressively cooler months!
Sheets in this update: 772 (Show Sheets)

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Oct 17, 2022, 8:30 AM
@Spriter Theo I see. Well thank you, it's nice to know that I can inspire people towards making cool things.
@Kuro-chan No problem!
@Rabbid4240 I wouldn't be so quick to say that, after all there are plenty of great games out there that could use a good rerip.
Oct 15, 2022, 8:46 PM
im gonna be honest i dont think im going to rip any other game series besides mega man LMAO
Oct 15, 2022, 5:43 PM
Thanks for the mention! :D
Oct 15, 2022, 3:25 PM
Thanks for the shout out @MisterMike, and thanks for the inspiration!
Your Zelda 2-style sprites are so good, I wanted to give the style a shot!
Oct 15, 2022, 10:05 AM
Once again, my rips are featured in an update! ;-)
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