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Previous New Year, Same Shoutouts
I can't think of a good title right now!
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Posted by Petie - January 18, 2025 - 6:14 PM
Hello everyone! I'm here to bring you another huge update! Pardon my tardiness in doing so - Dazz and I just finished up some more work on the new version and it really is coming along nicely. I need to get to the store before it closes though so this is going to be quick. First up, Redtarp, im_sdf, and KanaKonpaku bring us the majority of the Mobile section across three different games. Next, Otomecake, also across mostly three games, is responsible for all of this week's Switch submissions. And finally, at least for my very quick list of larger groups, blueberrymuffin is all over the PC section though definitely not alone as we even have a few staff submissions from DogToon64 and Random Talking Bush among many, many other members represented there as well. And I know I said that was the last but there are just so many big groups this week like Penguin140 in PlayStation 4 and danikk04 on the Wii plus others I'm sure I skimmed over but I think that gives you at least a good idea as to what's happening this week.

Before I go, I do want to once again also shout out all of the amazing artists who are contributing their own work to the site as well: 04sama, Birdfromegypt, blueberrymuffin, ChibiTheMarioGamer, Cylent-Nite, Dr. Cheesecrumb, Eggroll27, Firey Ocean, GlacialSiren484, hansungkee, HijodeKrypton, Jesse_JAT, johnnie eletronic, Kalgeeksout, maxmiles14, MegaRose236, MisterMike, No handed Man, P-Tux7, RayMakes, SamButSam,
The_Eggo55, and TheEric132

As always, there's lots more to see so give it all a look and have a great weekend!
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Jan 24, 2025, 9:33 PM
Upcoming official Berzerk Studio and The Arcade Crew's Infernax on PC / Computer.
Jan 24, 2025, 7:12 PM
@JackOfAllTradez: Nowhere, we can't accept customs of unofficial characters.
Jan 24, 2025, 6:25 PM
Question: Where do I submit customs of Sponge from Vinesauce? In Mario customs or somewhere else?
Jan 24, 2025, 9:01 AM
Duo 8-bit Just Finished.
Jan 23, 2025, 8:55 AM
Also, the layout is really not going to change dramatically. It will be slightly different, but you will immediately recognise how to navigate it as you currently do, and nothing of important note is moving at all.
Jan 23, 2025, 8:51 AM
There will be one web font used sparingly for titles/headers that is in line with the site's overall theme. Everything else will still be the tried and true Verdana.
Jan 23, 2025, 7:20 AM
I just hope the new version of the website is still simple to load and doesn't use any web fonts. No, really, is it a trend to put some web font unrelated to the general vibe of the site? (Cough cough knowyourmeme cough cough)
Jan 22, 2025, 2:22 AM
I only just realised your user image is from Trigun
Jan 19, 2025, 10:11 AM
Both excited and a little nervous about the new version of the site.
I hope it's not too drastically different, you know how people love change...
Jan 19, 2025, 2:20 AM
Wow that's a LOT. Thank you all for the hard work!
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