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A New Month Arises
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Posted by Deathbringer - March 1, 2025 - 6:36 AM
To start this month, we have BillyBnMOfficial, blueberrymuffin and Alxala ripping from various handhelds and consoles while the mobile front was done by the likes of Kiphub21, xanderrock98 and Models124717. On the computer side, we have classics handled by those such as HammondEggs and TheMorningFlash15 while the modern era was filled by VGrKnoise, pokeYHS, Sea Rover Sanguine, ThatOtherStriker and Plamz Doom. Retro consoles also have their turn with help by true, MetallicK2MK, Keenfan1990, DarkWolf, TengaiDenjin. Handheld systems were further worked on by Crowtheris, Notebook and malevka1 while the arcade section had some rips by Mr. Bruh. We can't forget the customs section with works by Moonja Red, MatthiSR and EnricoCartmanuel.
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