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Demonstration of NEW features coming to the site!
Comments (11)
Posted by Dazz - March 22, 2025 - 11:56 AM


Petie and I took to Twitch to show off new features coming to the Resource sites. At the time of writing, we are prepping to go live, but by the time you read this, we are ((not live anymore)). We ran over all the new features coming to the site live, but now that we are done, we have edited the stream into a more concise video for people to review.

We are so excited to finally show you what we have spent this past year dedicating our efforts towards, and give everyone a better understanding of why we have done so. We will be taking feedback on our Discord server, so be sure to hop in there to have a conversation, or you can leave a comment on this update!

Apologies for the lack of time to give individual people shoutouts, but there's a huge volume of sheets in this update! It is still unbelievable to me that we can even get to this level of sheets being uploaded to the site in a single week, which we are able to moderate and approve in that same period. We've had contributions for retro and modern, by users old and new. It is truly an honour to receive you all, and I'm sure everyone will love what's now available this week!
Sheets in this update: 1,288 (Show Sheets)

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Mar 23, 2025, 10:50 PM
Oh shit they added the 3D Model viewer! And also you can play sounds via the website itself i think
Mar 23, 2025, 8:39 PM
Amazing work on the new update, it's everything I was hoping for!
Mar 23, 2025, 4:44 PM
YES! All these new features are great improvements, loving the new site layout colors too. It's a great evolution to TSR that I'm excited to see roll out.
Mar 23, 2025, 2:42 PM
@Dazz I just gotta say you guys ROCK. This is one of the best gaming sites there is and you guys do so much to promote game preservation and encourage new artists. I'm so thrilled for the new site, it can't get here fast enough!
Mar 23, 2025, 2:06 PM
I've updated the post with a video showing the new features coming to the site.
Mar 23, 2025, 10:19 AM
Dang it, I missed the livestream...
Mar 22, 2025, 4:46 PM
That was really cool, blimey

Also it was finally neat to see what you really look like after years of knowing you by the classic big sprites with the hat, lol
Mar 22, 2025, 4:21 PM
A proposal: take the Nitro Ads from the space next to "Recently Uploaded Sheets", put the stream there.
As it currently is, the player window is taking a bit too much space.
Mar 22, 2025, 1:12 PM
Oh man, I still have the old icon template for back when you had to submit the entire icon.
I also remember when you had to submit on the forum, and couldn't just submit directly to the game/console. Pretty sure I started submitting back in like 2008, maybe sooner.
Mar 22, 2025, 12:22 PM
same, i used to come here for sprites, now i come here to give sprites
Mar 22, 2025, 12:06 PM
"It's not gonna be like Facebook" well yeah you guys aren't nearly as incompetent as Zuck

"I like it when people are 'You don't have what I want to see, so I'm gonna add it myself'."
amen, that's been my philosophy when contributing.
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