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Don't Buy This: Five of the Worst Games Ever
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Don't Buy This: Five of the Worst Games Ever
Don't Buy This: Five of the Worst Games Ever
Console Genre Developers
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Sep 15, 2022, 1:19 PM
It seems that it is one of those stories that get exaggerated by the press and a certain YouTuber (not the first time that it happened either).

Just discovered that Race Ace was actually released back in 1983 twice so the story that was given about the five submitted entries was completely made up. It is also an in joke because the game was developed by Tony Rainbird who used his name as a publishing label for BT (BT had Rainbird, Firebird and Silverbird as labels). So yes, one of them was done by the founder. Meaning that the other 4 games could potentially be games done earlier in the Spectrum's life but had no way of releasing them which is why this was done as a marketing ploy. Weasel Willy and Fruit Machine give that vibe of something that was done earlier, the latter had a loading screen that screamed cancelled standalone release due to too much competition.
Sep 4, 2020, 9:00 PM
If I owned a game company in the early 80s, and all the entries were garbage, I'd do the same. XD
Sep 10, 2019, 9:42 AM
I think the story was someone was holding a contest for homebrew games for it, but all of the entries were awful so he marketed it as that.
Sep 10, 2019, 6:33 AM
I never realized the cassette this came on was actually called this, I thought it was a title Guru Larry made for 5 garbage ZX Spectrum games he found.
Sep 19, 2017, 4:20 PM
I really want to say that this was a Bootleg/Homebrew. I really do.
Sep 12, 2017, 8:11 PM
oh lol this
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